
Grand-Father Dominique Rankin

Algonquin Hereditary Grand Chief Co-President, Religions for Peace
Indigenous, Canada
Born in the forests of Northern Québec, Grand-Father Dominique Rankin, an Algonquin Native American, was chosen when he was seven years old to succeed his father as chief and medicine man. He comes from Abitibi and was once Grand Chief of the Algonquin Nation.

In 2006, he was admitted to the small circle of 49 recognized medicine men in Canada. Since then, Kapiteotak (his real name at birth and his spiritual name) has devoted himself to teaching traditional knowledge to the Anishinabeg peoples (members of the Algonquin family) as a way of reconnecting them with their roots.

He also shares his knowledge with people of all origins who are interested in learning about the simple, profound philosophy of his ancestors. With Marie-Josée Tardif, he co-wrote an autobiography relating his youth in Native residential schools: On nous appelait les Sauvages (They called us Savages)

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