Religions for Peace hosts parallel event during CSW67 on Working Multi-Religiously for Gender Equality: Reassessing the Role of Education and Knowledge in the Digital Age


Religions for Peace hosts parallel event during CSW67 on Working Multi-Religiously for Gender Equality: Reassessing the Role of Education and Knowledge in the Digital Age

14 March 2023, New York: Religions for Peace, in collaboration with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), University for Peace (UPEACE), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), hosts a parallel event on “Working Multi-Religiously for Gender Equality: Reassessing the Role of Education and Knowledge in the Digital Age” during the 67th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 67). This event is part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and falls under the theme of Religions, Beliefs, and Human Rights: A ‘Faith for Rights’ Approach.

The discussion brings together leaders and experts from different sectors of society, religions, and regions to evaluate how knowledge and education, powered by diverse theologies, faith traditions, and multi-religious actions, can recognise and effectively increase the leadership of women of faith.

In the ever-growing digital world, faith leaders promote gender equality and humanitarianism in the digital age by leveraging their power of knowledge and education. They encourage women’s leadership and participation in all aspects of community life, including in decision-making around access to resources, systems of nurture and care for vulnerable members of their communities, and creating financial safety nets for their families. By promoting inclusive theological teachings that challenge patriarchal norms and empower women, faith leaders help create a culture that values gender equality, and can utilise digital tools and platforms to amplify their message and reach ever wider audiences.

Faith leaders are tipping points in all national, regional and global efforts to realise the interrelated concerns of securing human dignity through sustainable peace and security. From taking a united stand against any and all forms of discrimination (in speech and actions) to advocating for social, economic and political justice, faith leaders together are uniquely well-positioned to serve as human rights defenders.

“By working together in a multi-religious approach, and harnessing the power of education and digital technology, faith leaders play an important role in promoting gender equality and creating more dignified narratives and realities for all,” says Secretary General of Religions for Peace, Professor Azza Karam.

This discussion highlights case studies from diverse regions, and peer-to-peer learning tools, to explore how leaders from different faith traditions can challenge the power and norms within faith leadership and work together to harness resources and opportunities to transform prevailing patriarchies, including in the context of humanitarian emergencies.

During this event Religions for Peace announces the Women of Excellence in Multi-Religious Action Award, established with the support of the Gates Foundation. This award will be given to women of faith who have contributed to advancing peace and security, human rights and sustainable development, through multireligious collaboration at the local, national, regional and global levels. Thus, recognising multi-religious, women-led and women implemented initiatives that support and energise efforts toward building positive peace.

For further information, please contact: Ms. Sohaa Khan, Religions for Peace:

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