Standing Commission

Nurturing a Sustainable Environment

Background – The Religions for Peace 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, developed through an inclusive and participatory process and adopted by the World Council on 26 February 2020, contains six strategic goals that provide a clear and collaborative framework for the activities of the entire Religions for Peace movement. Each of the goals advance Religions for Peace’s multi-religious vision of peace, build on its past work and align with one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Five Standing Commissions – corresponding to the first five Strategic Goals – were established to serve as advisory bodies for Religions for Peace’s work in those respective areas. These Standing Commissions are the mechanism by which Religions for Peace leadership may directly collaborate on and guide the future of Religions for Peace programmes in their respective areas of focus. The shared vision of the Standing Commission is as a space of knowledge, information, co-creation, persistent guidance, and reflection. Each Standing Commission has representation of leaders with long-standing interest, engagement, and championship in the topic of this space. The Commission acts as the ‘group of elders’ to guide Religions for Peace’s work in this space. This Standing Commission works towards the goal of Nurturing a Sustainable Environment. The composition of this Standing Commission considered different areas of expertise, as well as different regions and religions.

Members of the Nurturing a Sustainable Environment Standing Commission:

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